Thursday, October 6, 2011

Space Hotel

If you are tired of the usual holiday breaks I'm sure that this one will be out of this world! Russia has announced that it is planning to build by 2016 a space hotel orbitting 217 miles up which can accomodate up to seven guests in four cabins with bathrooms. The little catch in all of this is that it would cost you £500,000 to travel to the space hotel and another £100,000 for your stay!
Your beds can be either vertical or horizantal whichever way you choose and toilets will run with flowing air instead of water.
Your meals are prepared on earth and sent up in the space ship and heated in a microwave for you by the crew members and all beverages will be available except alcohol.
So if you have some spare cash lying around and bored of the usual holiday this would definitely be something you will never forget!

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